Innovative People Do Not Use the Word “Innovation”

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In this episode the Strategic Institute team talks about “innovation,” a buzz term that has become ubiquitous in the federal government.  Using a 2008 article as a basis of discussion, the team relates and connects it to Other Transactions authorities and the current state of federal government acquisition for R&D.

Article: Stop Saying Innovation – Here’s Why – by author Scott Berkun

“You can’t have innovation by any definition without being willing to take risks. But there is nothing less risky than merely repeating a word while taking no action.”

“People with good ideas and who do good work solve problems. They let their ideas be defined by the importance of the problems their ideas solve. It’s the solving of the problem that gives ideas power, not an adjective slapped onto PowerPoint slides or into job titles.”

“Great teams know this and drop pretense in favor of simple words like prototype, experiment, problem, solution, user, customer, lesson and design. Simpler language accelerates progress. Inflated language slows it down and confuses people. Calling yourself tall doesn’t make you tall. A word is just a word. It’s your actions that matter, not the labels you use.”

For the full article: