DoD’s National Defense S&T Strategy 2023 is a “Wish-list” not Strategy

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    The Department of Defense recently published “National Defense Science and Technology Strategy 2023”  that contains ZERO consequential strategy and parrots what others have said ad nauseam.   The document correctly identifies that there is a very serious problem … Continued

Prototype Prototyping: Rolling up sleeves at the front-end to save time and resources at the back

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  The DoD is notorious for slacking at the front-end of R&D programs, preferring to punt and pray that it all comes together at the back-end.  From a business perspective this is sheer insanity!  The more thoroughly an organization identifies … Continued

Status-quo Strikes Back: Consequences resulting from a lack of education for flexible contracting authorities

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  The secret to federal business ingenuity and greater acquisition success for R&D and delivering new capability lies in educating people, whereas the secret for maintaining the status quo is in keeping them ignorant. The federal government has been “gifted” … Continued

Is an Alternative for Acquisition Needed, or is Old Think Enough?

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Do we need a better defense acquisition system to exploit the fruits of R&D and deliver new capabilities? While the often mouthed rhetoric says “yes” actions by leadership send the opposite message “NO!”  The piece parts of what can easily … Continued

2021 NDAA – All Systems GO for Other Transactions! but curiosity about so-called “consortia”

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  Two provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2021 are likely to impact DOD’s use of Other Transactions (OT). One provision (sec.833) directly references 10 U.S.C. 2371 and 2371b OTs, but will probably have modest effect.  Another provision … Continued