Year End: State of Innovative Acquisition and Education for Federal R&D

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  In this episode Strategic Institute gives a year-end review of education for innovative acquisition and flexible contracting authorities for federal R&D.  It has been five years since Congress mandated DoD to educate all ‘management, technical, and contracting’ personnel involved … Continued

If it’s R&D use an OT

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In this podcast episode Strategic Institute discusses the advantages of using appropriate contracts for federal R&D.  Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) contracts are inappropriate, per Part 35, which states FAR is procurement for acquiring goods and services.   R&D and advancing … Continued

Acquisition Ingenuity – applying new ideas and education to create positive change

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  Strategic Institute stands out for advocating for education, understanding, and supporting the workforce so they can best use flexible federal contracting authorities specifically for R&D and delivering new capabilities (other transactions and related acquisition authorities).   DoD leadership has … Continued