Eisenhower’s Tea Leaves: Virtues of a dynamic and robust (defense) industrial base

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When war clouds began to darken in the late 1930’s America’s defense industry was a small, almost insignificant, factor in the economy. As the military began rapid expansion, feelers were put out to private industry; would they be prepared to … Continued

Other Transactions & Third-Party Financing Primer

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From 2016-2019 Strategic Institute in conjunction with Innovation Finance Group later 50lb Brain worked hard to drag DoD acquisition leadership and bureaucracy to water, to show them the way.  We illustrated how the flexibility and freedom of contract inherent in … Continued

Twenty Years Ago — flexible and affordable contracting appreciated

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On May 27, 1997 Richard L. Dunn received the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service for his work in innovative contracting. It read:   For exceptionally meritorious civilian service as General Counsel, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), … Continued

Agility in US National Security

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Even the world’s largest bureaucracy can learn to dance.  As the shift continues from the manufacturing economy of the industrial age to the digital economy of the information age, US national-security organizations need to transform as well. American military forces … Continued