What is the Purpose of Other Transactions & Why ‘so-called’ OT Consortia suck.

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  In this podcast episode, Strategic Institute gets back to basics, asking what is the purpose of Other Transactions, why were they created, what is their ‘mission’? The answer, while misunderstood by many, is simple and clear. Additionally, we tackle … Continued

Getting the Changes in Government Business Right.  

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  Change is coming for government, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and the defense industry. Improving government efficiency is a central initiative of the incoming Presidential administration. Change can be fast-tracked by understanding lessons from the past – what … Continued

Telstar I – Perspective, Thinking and Innovation

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Telstar I – Perspective, Thinking and Innovation Once upon a time the government had a monopoly on outer space. Whether it was the Soviet government, or the U.S. government, space launches and satellites were strictly a matter of government innovation, … Continued

FAR vs OTs: Regulation vs Freedom | What is more conducive for innovation?

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  Most procurement lawyers, contracting officers and other acquisition professionals do not understand the relationship between highly regulated Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) contracts and Other Transaction (OT) contracts. This misunderstanding primarily stems from a false notion or premise, namely that … Continued

Revolutionizing R&D and Capability Deployment: A Call for Change in Government Practices

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The ability of the Department of Defense and other Government agencies to avoid facing reality or learn obvious lessons would be amusing if it was not so critically important. The Department of Defense and other Government agencies are in need … Continued

Brief Heads Up On NDAA 2023 

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  Congress continues to broaden and show support for flexible contracting authorities meant to foster business innovations for delivering the fruits of federally funded research and development (R&D) more effectively.  Sections 842 and 843 of the recent National Defense Authorization … Continued

Other Transactions are a Team Sport – Teaming to Better Deliver the Fruits of Federal R&D

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  In this podcast episode Strategic Institute emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary teams that are empowered and protected by leadership for the purposes of exploring and exploiting the flexibility inherent in Other Transactions authorities, and the wide variety of business … Continued