More TEAMS Less BUREAUCRACY to Improve Defense Acquisition & What are OT Condominiums?

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In this podcast episode, Strategic Institute highlights their long standing message of teaming for success. It is widely believed that family is the essential building block of society/civilization, just like a team is for any significant endeavor or enterprise. Federal … Continued

What is the Purpose of Other Transactions & Why ‘so-called’ OT Consortia suck.

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  In this podcast episode, Strategic Institute gets back to basics, asking what is the purpose of Other Transactions, why were they created, what is their ‘mission’? The answer, while misunderstood by many, is simple and clear. Additionally, we tackle … Continued

Podcast: The DOGE Effect on Defense Acquisition – Opportunity or Nightmare?

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In this podcast episode, we discuss the opportunity to make improvements in defense acquisition for R&D and new capabilities by recognizing and jettisoning systems and processes that have become institutionally corrupt, those which no longer prioritize their purpose or mission, … Continued

Don’t be a JAG-off | How Government Lawyers can Enable Innovation

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When it comes to innovating federal business practices for R&D and delivering new capabilities a frequently identified roadblock to bettering processes are government lawyers. Government lawyers tend to err on the side of bureaucratic myth and lore over actual law, … Continued

Getting the Changes in Government Business Right.  

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  Change is coming for government, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and the defense industry. Improving government efficiency is a central initiative of the incoming Presidential administration. Change can be fast-tracked by understanding lessons from the past – what … Continued

Telstar I – Perspective, Thinking and Innovation

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Telstar I – Perspective, Thinking and Innovation Once upon a time the government had a monopoly on outer space. Whether it was the Soviet government, or the U.S. government, space launches and satellites were strictly a matter of government innovation, … Continued

Eisenhower’s Tea Leaves: Virtues of a dynamic and robust (defense) industrial base

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When war clouds began to darken in the late 1930’s America’s defense industry was a small, almost insignificant, factor in the economy. As the military began rapid expansion, feelers were put out to private industry; would they be prepared to … Continued