Brief Heads Up On NDAA 2023 

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  Congress continues to broaden and show support for flexible contracting authorities meant to foster business innovations for delivering the fruits of federally funded research and development (R&D) more effectively.  Sections 842 and 843 of the recent National Defense Authorization … Continued

Year End: State of Innovative Acquisition and Education for Federal R&D

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  In this episode Strategic Institute gives a year-end review of education for innovative acquisition and flexible contracting authorities for federal R&D.  It has been five years since Congress mandated DoD to educate all ‘management, technical, and contracting’ personnel involved … Continued

Strategic Capital: Utilizing Private Funding to Improve Outcomes of Federal R&D

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    In this episode Strategic Institute’s Rick Dunn and special guests Col. Mark “Puck” Mykleby and Sam Moyer discuss opportunities and potential challenges that wait ahead for the newly announced Department of Defense, Office of Strategic Capital; which seeks … Continued

Strategic Capital – 3rd Party Financing for Federal R&D and Innovation

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  In this episode Strategic Institute discusses how tapping outside funding, non taxpayer sources, can benefit federal R&D and innovation programs. We applaud the idea behind the recently announced Department of Defense, Office of Strategic Capital.  Strategic Institute with partners, … Continued

Obstacles to Learning: How the Federal Government Discourages Innovation and Hurts Stakeholders

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  In this episode Strategic Institute discusses factors in federal acquisition that prevent learning new approaches for delivering the fruits of research and development (R&D). Does previous indoctrination affect the ability to learn new things? Do Federal Acquisition Regulations limit … Continued

Federal Business for R&D: Step Beyond Ignorance

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  In this episode Strategic Institute goes strong on the message of positive transformation in federal acquisition for effectively delivering the fruits of R&D and new capabilities. The days of “my ignorance is as good as your knowledge,” responsible for … Continued

Other Transactions are a Team Sport – Teaming to Better Deliver the Fruits of Federal R&D

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  In this podcast episode Strategic Institute emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary teams that are empowered and protected by leadership for the purposes of exploring and exploiting the flexibility inherent in Other Transactions authorities, and the wide variety of business … Continued

Middle Tier of AWESOME (Acquisition)

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  In this special and highly educational episode Rick Dunn, the OG of DoD Other Transactions authorities, discusses the Middle Tier of Acquisition with three of today’s brightest minds in federal acquisition for R&D and advancing new capability. This is … Continued

Other Transactions (flexible contracting) can be applied to more than Acquisition

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  Other Transactions (OTs) are flexible contracts that are intended to foster the business relationships needed to facilitate and deliver new and advanced technologies, innovative solutions, and to maximize investment in research and development (R&D). As flexible contracts, specifically for … Continued