If it’s R&D use an OT

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In this podcast episode Strategic Institute discusses the advantages of using appropriate contracts for federal R&D.  Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) contracts are inappropriate, per Part 35, which states FAR is procurement for acquiring goods and services.   R&D and advancing … Continued

The Defense Production Act and Other Transactions

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  In the Government’s response to the pandemic, Operation Warp Speed, both Other Transactions (OTs) and the Defense Production Act (DPA) were used. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, a DOD witness seemed to lump use of these … Continued

Other Transactions & Partnership Intermediary Connection

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  In this podcast episode Strategic Institute recaps controversial topics from a previous episode (recent protest – consortia model), and discusses the symbiosis between flexible federal contracting authorities, other transactions, and the greater flexibility offered to the government by using … Continued

The Other Transactions & Partnership Intermediary Connection

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Partnership intermediaries (PI) are an underutilized technique available to Federal agencies to make effective use of their Other Transactions (OT) authority. A PI can be used for outreach activities, screening potential technology contributors, and supporting the evaluation of technical proposals, … Continued

Other Transactions Protest Reveals Lack of Training & Education

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  The latest Other Transactions (OT) protest case highlights the critical need for education and training for participants involved in awarding these agreements.  In this case, it appears that no party involved understood the Other Transactions for prototypes statute. Also … Continued

Status-quo Strikes Back: Consequences resulting from a lack of education for flexible contracting authorities

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  The secret to federal business ingenuity and greater acquisition success for R&D and delivering new capability lies in educating people, whereas the secret for maintaining the status quo is in keeping them ignorant. The federal government has been “gifted” … Continued

Acquisition Ingenuity – applying new ideas and education to create positive change

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  Strategic Institute stands out for advocating for education, understanding, and supporting the workforce so they can best use flexible federal contracting authorities specifically for R&D and delivering new capabilities (other transactions and related acquisition authorities).   DoD leadership has … Continued

Is an Alternative for Acquisition Needed, or is Old Think Enough?

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Do we need a better defense acquisition system to exploit the fruits of R&D and deliver new capabilities? While the often mouthed rhetoric says “yes” actions by leadership send the opposite message “NO!”  The piece parts of what can easily … Continued